Nov 26 - The cooking contest starts

Moulin Rouge
Philip Barltrop
Fri 26 Nov 2010 13:12
Chris has continued to fiddle with the sails. He calls
it fine tuning and in the fickle winds it has probably done some good. The winds
dropped overnight - a bit more of a drop than predicted - so we have had to
motor for an hour or so.
Last night Chris started the Moulin Rouge cooking
contest. Essentially, although we put a menu together - that was only to make
sure there is enough food on board ... and does not actually suggest the
sequence things will be eaten ... not the way the various items will be brought
together. Last nights' creations started off being "chicken something" ... but
as we had eaten all the chicken it became "chicken surprise" and was made with
finely ground beef. Not being outdone Ben and Colin produced French bread pizzas
for lunch, finished off with home made chocolate chip cookies.
It turns out than Ben's first sun sight was within a
couple of miles of the GPS position - well done Ben. The trouble is that knowing
where we were 4 days ago is not really that much use so Ben has now embarked on
another mission to try to get an updated position (hopefully
Since out last report fishing has continued. A 4.5 kg
Dorado was caught mid afternoon by Mark and Ben. Later in the afternoon Philip
attended to the reel and wished he had read the instructions as the mission to
reel in a whoppa let another 400 metres of line OUT for Mark to reel back
Philip's question of the day is "where have 250 yachts
gone to?)
And many thanks to the correspondents who answered the
question of "do dolphins sleep" (Kay) ... and for the weather routing
suggestions from Yachtmaster Don.