Day 8

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Mon 2 Dec 2024 06:57
19:55.00N 26:48.00W Midday Position Day 8 Sunday 1st December

The sleigh ride has started as we have now got in to the trade winds which seem particularly strong at the moment and with a bouncy sea state its a bit of a roller coaster ride now. After we turned west we reset the sails and Hydrovane and other than the odd tweak here and there have not touched them. They can sail themselves quite happily so myself and David just have to strap ourselves to our bunks and wait a couple of weeks. Any movement round the boat now is pretty awkward with each step planned carefully in advance.

On this trip the communications with satphone, redbox etc. are working perfectly. Ed from Mailasail came aboard Cara before departure and gave me some advice on better use of everything and upgraded something, its all witchcraft to me, but it works great. Last time I seem to remember spending half the day and all my minutes on nonsense dial ups.

About 1900 miles to go now and if the sea state keeps up like this its 1900 miles too long. I plotted the first and last fleet positions with a pretty substantial vessel called No Rush ahead of everyone and a smaller one called Villi holding up the rear. The difference between the two is 1000 miles which is a colossal amount after just a week. Sadly we're closer to Villi than No Rush but we'll get there after all there is no rush!! get it? No Rush.
