Saturday 17/12 Day 27 - Crapped on from on high

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Sun 18 Dec 2022 19:37
Anyway whilst having said coffee today I was delighted to spot a bird following us for some time. I don't know what they are called but they are white, torpedo shaped with a very thin tail. We've seen quite a few of them. After 10 minutes it flew purposely over to the boat and I thought maybe he'd come to say hello, sing a song but how wrong I was, he deliberately crapped on me. He then flew off back to his original course. He actually made a point of diverting to do this. I know they say nature is cruel but this was more evil and vindictive. I'm pretty sure he really enjoyed the experience and far more than I did. The little *@$£er.
Another 127 mile day