Day 10 & 11 - Work complete

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Thu 1 Dec 2022 19:14
Wednesday 30/11 Day 10

We finally found the electrical problem which was caused by corroded wires in a shunt. These have now been replaced and engine charging is better than its ever been. I've been very impressed by everything at Mindelo Marina. It is a very well run facility and exceedingly good value for money. I'm not sure the likelihood of finding myself in the area again but I wouldn't hesitate to stop by if I were. We're now already to go and will aim to leave at midday tomorrow.

Thursday 1/12 Day 11

Finally off again. We briefly stopped by the fuel pontoon to get an extra 80 litres. After a good few hours fast sail we are now in a but of a wind hole with wind speeds of just 4-8 knots which is not enough to get us going. Probably a wind shadow from the islands so we hope it may clear soon. We met Mark last night who is also doing the same trip in a similar size boat but solo and we are within a few miles of each other and keeping in touch on VHF radio. Since we started this adventure maybe 3000 miles ago, this is the furst time IO think the wind has dropped so low,