Free at Last!

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Mon 25 Nov 2024 08:41
After 2 weeks hanging round Las Palmas Marina, always finding yet another job to do we finally set sail at midday. However before setting sail we need to get Cara out of the marina which unfortunately means reversing her, this is not an easy thing to do with a heavy displacement long keel boat. You see with these boats engaging reverse is basically a random direction generator, you never know where she will go, much like giving a monkey a hand grenade. You don't know what's going to happen but you know it will likely end bad, especially for the monkey. So reluctantly I engaged reverse, other nearby boat owners clutched fenders worridly with looks of fear, concern and please don't come over here but after a 72 point turn and no damage done I could set her forwards on course from the marina - hoorah!
We got a good start off the line which is pretty unusual for me as I normally hang back but with such a long line there was to be no trouble. The wind was fair but a headwind which soon died to nothing and the engine was used to motor for a few miles when the wind came back much stronger. Engine off sails up and we're off again romping along at 6 and 7 knots. This kept up for many hours and we were still with the pack, again unusual as the last time out I was right at the back with no sight of the other boats. Cara is certainly not as sluggish as I thought. Celestial navigation starts today. The Chronometer is wound, the walker log out and I'm just waiting for the sun to reach 135 degrees and i'll do my morning sight.
Its 8am now as I write this and the engine is once again on. Winds are force 1-2 and not worth even trying to sail. This is why we bought extra fuel and we intend to use it to get to the wind.