Departure Tomorrow

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Sat 23 Nov 2024 20:35
Just one more night here and we're off. If I had another week here I would still find little jobs to do, there is always something to be done on the boat. But now we are fully ready, just one last fill up of the water tank and we'll drop the lines and head out in to the big blue yonder. It was the shippers briefing today to go over the start procedures and Chris Tibbs (author of the RYA weather book) gave the weather briefing for the first week. The trade winds are not in the right direction with a south westerly head wind expected and normal business won't resume til later in the week. The boats around us are all chomping at the bit, the next boat along has a crew of 5 young guys who all left their jobs in July to sail to Australia. A marvelous plan but I have a flight returning me for Christmas on the 22nd. David will stay on in St. Lucia for Christmas. He has certainly worked up a sweat these past days with lots of diesel canister runs and then trying to find someone to stow then. I think we'll be under motor for a good couple of days. We'll get the boat set up first thing and then have our last breakfast on dry land for some time.