The wind has died now to 5-6 knots so not a lot of progress today. Also
cloud cover so no solar charging to speak of. Not the best day but we're
plugging along. Tomorrow first thing we'll get the big parasailor sail out
but its a bit swelly here and also heading towards night so don't want to
hoist now. We really need to get to the 12th or 13th latitude for some wind
but that is some way south for us still and I don't want to lose too much
westing for southing but may have to bite the bullet and compromise on this.
To be honest it is very comfortable sailing now which is a true rarity this
year on Katy so we should just enjoy it. It feels like the average since
leaving Plymouth is a force 6 so stuck in a force 1-2 should be enjoyed
before it all goes to shit again!