Day 3

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Wed 27 Nov 2024 06:26
We've covered 117 miles in the last 24 hours which is ok, we'd much rather more than 120 but this is close enough. We have a small wager against a Halberg Rassy called Lucia for a bottle of rum to the first boat home. So far its looking good for them. Its crewed by 3 very friendly & competent German guys who we shared the pontoon with in Las Palmas. The on board repairs list has already started as is usual on any journey. We've lost the use of our big port side winch, the binnacle compass light has died, the rev counter for the engine has stopped working and some other smaller issues, all things we can manage without thankfully. During today the wind will die almost completely leaving us to motor again until Thursday when it comes back. Listening to the radio it seems everyone has done a significant amount of motoring since the start. Our main issue above all else is sleep. Being a 2 handed crew our watch system during the night is 3 hours on and 3 hours off from 21:00 to 09:00. Sleep is a rare commodity until our bodies adjust to this new pattern and I got my first sleep only last night so now I'm sitting here typing like a zombie. At 09:00 we will gybe again south which hopefully will give us a smoother ride than sailing across this swell.