Paid the sail maker

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Thu 27 Oct 2022 19:41
After a nice day on Playa Blanca beach I went to visit Manuel the sail maker. I haven't had the sails serviced in over 5000 miles which is probably a bit too long but the only issues to deal with were a repair to the bolt rope of the genoa which is a thin rope sewn in to the luff of the sail so it can be fed in to the foil and be raised whilst maintaining contact with the forestay. Plus just a few stiches to the mid battern pocket of the main sail. He also sewed up the sail cover which holds the sails on to the boom when not in use. All at a great price of just 100 euros. Thanks Manuel.
If you are ever down this way I would highly recommend him -
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