Chart Plotters Repaired

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Fri 28 Oct 2022 19:47
Augusto the electrician was on board today as I was having problems with the small Axiom chartplotter which is a Raymarine device. We have 2, a 12" for use outside and a smaller 9" in the cabin below and it was this causing a problem. They are both networked with the fish finder transducer wired in to the smaller chartplotter. As it was operating so sluggishly it meant none of the features on this one could be used by the larger one. Augusto in the end had to perform a hard reset and download all the updates again which is an agonisingly slow process. As I had only updated the larger one, the two devices were working on different software versions and didn't like it. They are now running the same update and working perfectly.

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