Not Much Work Today

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Wed 2 Nov 2022 22:07
I managed to get all the fuel I wanted after a couple of visits to the fuel berth. I also started the 'at sea' daily checks today and I'm glad I did. Starting them now means when we set off we will hit the ground (or water) running with a very good idea of any developing issues. The first I found was over a litre of water in the bilge where the log goes through the hull. We've never had so much as a drop in Katy before so this came as a big surprise. Thankfully we're not sinking and this was presumably water from the jet wash that has gone through the log, a pretty common occurence when the boat is getting its hull cleaned. I cleared it up and its back to dry again but the daily checks will show if there is any further ingress. I also cleaned of a bucket of Sahara sand from the solar panels. I honestly couldn't believe how much there was and certainly reduces their effectiveness. 
Good news on the gas front. Not only has my adapter hose arrived but I've secured 2 x 3 kg cylinders from a campsite. I just have to register my passport, pay the money and they're ours. €62.00 each. With the 4.5 kg cylinder I already have this will be more than enough.
Also in other more interesting news, myself and Larry's orca encounter off the coast of Portugal made it in to the current issue of the Cruising Association magazine. A good example of what to do in these situations if I don't mind saying so.

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