Pictures from Fiji..
We arrived in Savu Savu, a small town full of junk
shops and cheap restaurant.. It rained quite a bit but we did not mind
too much. Alex and Dave Mossop arrived in Savu Savu, we spent a
few days there and then headed for Musket Cove which involved 3 days of day
sailing. Musket cove is a holiday resort, more like a holiday
island which was very pretty and very relaxed. This was a good time to charge the batteries and have
a bit of a holiday. Time was spent relaxing, going for walks round the
island and eating and drinking.. Alex flew back from the mainland from there in a
small plane..
Alex arrived at Savu
Nice views on
Alex climbing up a
nice view on way back Last photo taken from my Not so waterproof after all!!! Nice view on coast of Alex and Tom on a Hobie cat. All yachts on a floating pontoon between beach and
the bar….. Lovely view over the bay And we went out for a run Another nice view over the bay Not the most flattering profile… This is not the normal yachting life but a great
holiday for us…could get used to this… (swimming pool behind) Alex on At the airport saying goodbye. Note the luggage drop
behind us.. Alex getting on the plane… (pilot making
sure all passengers get on OK) And off it goes…. |