What a crying shame.

DecaDance's Web Diary
Chris White and Jeanna Coleman
Fri 24 Jun 2011 08:30

Position: 36:32.503N 004:36.973W – Fuengirola, Spain



At midnight there were the annual fireworks for the Festival of San Juan.  We're on the end pontoon nearest the breakwater where the fireworks were placed so DecaDance's beanbags had prime position for the display.



I phoned Aunty Christine at about midday to let her know that we'd decided to move on tomorrow and amongst other things she asked if it was misty where we were (only several miles away), as they'd just watched fog roll down the mountains.  I'd just nearly blinded myself by not wearing my sunglasses to and from the shower block, so I said no.  No more than two minutes after getting off the phone, Chris shouted down to me, "Cripes, you can't see a thing up here."



The San Juan festival is so important locally that many restaurants and bars close early for the one and only night out of 365.  Bonfires are lit along the beach and there's a tradition for children to go paddling in the sea at midnight.   By then visibility had reduced to about 50-75m according to Chris (these mariner types know this sort of thing), and according to me, pea soup.



I love fireworks and I know that the longer the whizz... and pause, or the louder the bang, the more spectacular the sparks.  How disappointing not to see one single spark.  The longer the whizz or the louder the bang, the brighter the white sky momentarily changed colour - and that was it.  They were the loudest fireworks I've ever heard;  Perhaps they were the best I might have seen, maybe it was local acoustics, or perhaps my ears were making up for the lack of visuals.  I felt heartbroken for the local people and their ruined festivities, not to mention all that wasted money.



As I listened to the deafening tirade, I glanced across at Chris on the starboard beanbag, staring into the flashing sky .  "Bloody Hell," he said, "It's like being back in the Falklands."




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