Heading South across the Bay of Broken Biscuits.

DecaDance's Web Diary
Chris White and Jeanna Coleman
Mon 22 Nov 2010 11:58

Position: 47:015.00N 006:24.00W


Weather: Blue skies and light winds "right up our jacksie"


Departed L'Aberwac'h at 16:37 21st November

Current Speed over ground (SOG) - 7.0 kts motoring

Distance over ground since leaving - 120 nM

Average SOG for the journey - 6.3 kts


We're all faring well on the first day of our journey across Biscay.  We're slightly ahead of schedule, the winds are light and right behind us so we're having to motor at times to stay on track, but nobody's complaining after the conditions we had across the English Channel.


More details at a later date, but for now a big hello from me, Chris, Ryan, Matt and James.