Greater Little Britain

DecaDance's Web Diary
Chris White and Jeanna Coleman
Tue 14 Jun 2011 07:25
 Position: 36:08.10N 005:21.84W - Queensway Quay Marina, Gibraltar

Our trip out yesterday took us walking along the coast road, marvelling at the size of the ships skulking around just off the shore and in the dry docks. We passed the hundred tonne gun, something it took us ages to find when we were last here, and god knows how many other cannons which are scattered around the streets of Gibraltar constantly reminding you of its history. One reason Chris likes it here is because of the naval history, I like it here because it's a tiny piece of Britain that's not quite Britain, almost as if it exists in a parallel universe. The street signs are exactly the same as at home, but here they drive on the right and they toot their horns like Italians. There's a huge sense of patriotism here and yet the locals speak their own version of Spanish – I forget the name – and English, often flitting between the two in the same sentence. It makes for interesting eavesdropping whilst enjoying the clean, efficient and free bus service. Yes, it's quite like Britain here, but in many ways Greater. Especially the weather!


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