
Sat 10 Dec 2011 12:48
Posn 17 04.0N 061 53.0W Jolly
The completion of the final blog has been delayed
by other priorities - mainly based round restoring a normal blood/alcohol level
after 19 dry days.
We made Green Island and had an evening winding
down before motoring round to Jolly to clear in and dock. Our passage time was
19 days and 7 hours - not fast but very comfortable.
There were tense moments in the last 2 days when it
might have been much longer. On the passage from Gib to Lanzarote we found the
fuel contaminated. In Lanzarote the fuel was drained, filtered, and given a
clean bill of health. As we started motoring we found this was not so - the last
2 days we reeked of diesel with 8 filter changes. We did carry 100L in plastic
cans. The plans to repipe and use this for generator and final docking were
fortunatly not needed.
Everything has gone well on passage with not one
breakage - the only loss was a towel over the side. The catering has been superb
- with fresh lettuce throughout and we still have melons left. All have taken a
turn at the galley including Stuart when he discovered corned beef in the
The success of a passage like this revolves round
the crew gelling - this has been a great passage.
Final memories must be of Patrick who cannot start
the day without tea, and who would appear every morning in exotic night gear to
demand the generator for tea and toast.