Thu 24 Nov 2011 12:13
22 40.7N 022 44.8
24 hour run 146
Different writer today and it's me!
Elevensies about to be served on Boarding Pass and
thought would be good opportunity to get you up to speed on the last 24
No fish biting yesterday though lines had to be
pulled early as we were joined by a couple of dolphins for a short while.
A new fishing stragegy has been deployed today - no meals defrosted for
tonight......Nick has promised to make Spanish omlette failing
Girls cooked from scratch last night - Marwyn got
the praise again and crew had to be corrected that this was our own pork/veg
fusion cooking.
Changing up the desert routine, daily
melon rations were swapped for pineapple last night. Back on melon
today. Pineapple again for a weekend treat.
Had a reasonably smooth sail through the night
surrounded by around 4 boats. All taking a more southerly route than us
just now so no longer in sight.
Hiccup with water supply sorted this morning -
showers back on, phew!