26 NOV

Sat 26 Nov 2011 12:15
Noon 20 45.6N 27 23.1W
Soft winds last 24 hours - daily run 140.
The watch keeping running with 3 4hr 8 to 8
overnight and 4 3hr by day is very easy with 6. The clocks put back 1 hour this
morning to conserve sunset at 7 pm.
Jybed this morning - 45 minutes. Before making
comment on timing there are 3 anti chafe leathers to be moved and
Yesterdays fish - about 5 lbs - made an
excellent dinner. Since then we caught 2 more - one to be returned as too small
released itself as did a smaller but edible dorado.
Wishing all those at CCC dinner a good evening - we
will certainly feel healthier tomorrow.