Dec 1

Thu 1 Dec 2011 12:08
12Z 16 38.6 N 41 23.5
Daily run 182 nm
Most of yesterday was spent salivating talking
about the celebratory supper for passing half way to Anigua. Another
memorable Marwyn meal of Spag Bols followed by cheese and biscuits with coffee
and bournville chocoplate was much enjoyed as the sunset allowed the new moon to
show her face. Despite a lovely sunny day we did not catch any more fish
to supplement the two already in the freezer, but we will not starve
with the superb stock of provisions - it is with slight relief that the
compulsory melon pud is soon to run out and be replaced with stewed apple
saved from going off by the lassies helped by trhe microwave.
We had another boisterous night with winds
increasing at times to over 30 knots but the boat handles superbly, and
well reefed down we kept 8-9 knots with a smooth ride allowing those
off watch to sleep.. Between midnight and 0400 we heard an interesting vhf chat
from 6 miles astern when two yachts exchanged information on collision
avoidance! The overtaking yacht had failed to spot the other vessel less
than a mile ahead. The radar and AIS system on Boarding Pass III are
first class in keeping a good look out to aid our eyesight.
A bit cloudy today with the odd spot of warm rain
but we maintain good speeds of around 8 knots this morning and the gps tell us
it is less than 1200 miles to go. The boat time
is going back again so signing off at 0940 with 20 minutes to go before
taking our midday GMT daily run.