Islands Townsville Islands

Blue Hound
Phil Marks & Rosy Jensen
Thu 13 Apr 2023 03:33
From Port Douglas we island hopped over the next few days anchoring at Cape Grafton (east of Cairns), Dunk island and Palm island. Fishing still unsuccessful, adding a metre-long barrucuda to the haul. Not sure who was more frightened us or the fish as we tried to land it, us avoiding the spare hook and its teeth. Barrucudas are not for the table as they contain ciguaterra toxin.
April 6th We reached Townsville on a falling tide, not a good plan with a draft of 2.9 but we were keen to make the most of our booked berth at the marina. The echo sounder showed a steady 2.6 as we pushed our way through the silt at the narrow entrance, a huge relief when we reached the deeper water of the marina basin! The reward was a stroll along the waterfront, a sundowner looking across to Magnetic Island and some fish and chips!
Over the next few days we made full use of the marina facilities, borrowing the courtesy car, replenishing stores, spares and fishing lures (again). After re-fuelling on Easter Sunday we set sail/motor for an overnight passage to Airlie Beach, landing another shark on the way!
We anchored off the town so we get ashore this visit. The town was unrecognisable since my tourist visit in 1999, now transformed with trendy holiday shops and chic bars.
Leaving Airlie Beach we day sailed, anchoring at Goldsmith Island, St Bees & Keswick, and Great Keppel Island. Phil had been keenly watching the weather. It was the change of seasons and we had been lucky that the prevailing trade wind (SE) had not materialised since leaving Adolphus Island. Some days we had a northerly breeze. This couldn't last and we were now faced with a forecast of strong/gale SE for 10 days or more. We had three options, staying at Keppel Island (already rolly), backtrack to Rosslyn Bay marina, or go into the Fitzroy River. And so we did the Fitzroy.
Palm islands & Great Palm island (3)
Sunrise leaving Goldsmith island
Keswick island beach and houses
Dawn leaving St Bees, tree skyline
Sunset at Keppel island