Food! 18:36.88N 36:48.34W

Atlantic Vets Blog
Paul Milnthorpe / Jim Houlton
Sun 7 Feb 2010 11:57
last two days which have been so still and hot it has been very hard to row
at any speed without cooking.
We have now used up all of our 'WET FOOD'. This is basically ready to eat
army ration style meals that can be eaten cold (horrible!) or having had the
bag placed in boiling water for a few minutes "boil in a bag". These on the
whole taste quite good (with the notable exception of corn beef hash!)and
are quick to warm up.
So we will now be eating the 'DRY' food. These being freeze dried meals,
into which you add boiling water and wait about 5 min for it to reconstitute
into something eatable. These have the obvious advantage of being lighter
but the texture and taste are a bit variable and they take a bit longer to
prepare. We eat the wet ones first to get rid of the weight, the only danger
of doing so is if we had problems with water supply now we would have to use
rationed fresh water to make the meals.
We think that the two large fish following the boat are yellow finned tuna.
They are still following us and keep jumping out of the water periodically.
At night this is very cool as you can only hear a splash and then some times
see the place where they jumped due to the phosphorescence of the
plankton/algae in the water.