A close encounter 17:39.73N 43:42.75W

Atlantic Vets Blog
Paul Milnthorpe / Jim Houlton
Wed 17 Feb 2010 14:19
unable to take as much of an advantage of the winds coming form the north as
some of the other boats close bye as we would of ended up further south than
we would have wanted.
Last night, as it was getting dark, we had a visit by the support yacht
'ocean planet'. They were just calling past to see that everything was ok
with us, we said that apart form sore bums all is fine! This was the first
time we had seen them for nearly six weeks (a good thing, meaning we have
had no problems) and the first time we had seen and spoken to anyone other
then each other since the first few days other than via the sat phone which
was a strange experince.
At about 10pm last night we had a second visit although fortunately they did
not get quite as close as the support yacht. A large cargo boat got rather
close and as it was coming from directly in front of us we did not see them
until they got their WW2 style search light out and looked for us. They knew
we were out here as we had the AIS radar devise on so they could see us on
that (we would have seen them on ours if we had been looking!) after seeing
that we were not in their way they continued on their way to Rotterdam.