slow progress 18:05.62N 39:47.66W

Hello, Going very slowly at the moment and again don't really
know why. That is one of the most annoying things about this crossing-without
the trade winds and ocean currents it would take much longer to do and so you
get used to having a helping hand from them but when they stop and you are
rowing just as hard for little reward it is more than a little annoying. Is
very hot again, going to go swimming and check the bottom of boat in midday
heat to cool down. Have found this week really hard as we have passed the
half way point (pointS as there seem to be so many different ways of measuring
half way...) This sounds strange as you would have thought that that would be something
to celebrate. However up until now I have just been happy with plodding along
in the right direction in a reasonable position within the fleet but upon
reaching half way you can help but thing that you have the same distance to go
again. As it took us over 5 weeks to get to the half way stage makes a 70+ day
crossing a bit more of a reality, not what I had psyched myself up for when
aiming for high 50's/early 60's. On a bit more positive note we did have 5 days in the
'first half' when we were unable to row due to the storms and every one does
say that the 'second half' is the quicker one, fingers crossed! Personally I am also not
enjoying this dry food, which that we had taken more of the wet stuff as was SO
much easier to heat up and eat quickly when coming off the oars. Don't thing
that I have lost any noticeable weight yet but thing that that is going to
change with this new menu. Jim |