Start tomorrow

Just a few bits of tidying and organising to do on the boat
today and probably get a bit of fresh food for the first couple of days. Spent yesterday
packing things away properly and sealing all the hatches with vaseline to make
them a bit more waterproof and hopefully easier to open when they are crusted
in salt. All GPS waypoints plotted, about 10 in total though they are more
guides than an exact course as we will be going roughly where the conditions make
it easiest for us to row. The satelite tracker on our boat can be followed at
Our boat number is actually 42 but for some reason its still under 15 on the
website, our boats name is “The Reason Why” so click on that and
you will be able to see our individual tracking dot. We may not be able to
update the blog for a day or two after race start as it may take a while for
our stomachs to get used to the constant motion! Any messages will be better
off sent to atlanticvets {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
as that email is configured with our satelite phone and it takes a bit too much
of our phone credit to access other sites. |