Wales and swimming

Atlantic Vets Blog
Paul Milnthorpe / Jim Houlton
Sun 10 Jan 2010 18:34
Good day today, the winds started off light and from the north so although
not helping they aren't slowing us either which is a change! About 10 am
Paul saw a fin and then we both saw a jet of water being snorted up through
a blow hole about 60 meters away, then about 5 min later we both saw 5
whales about 15-20 m away. I thought that they were killer whales but Paul's
not so convinced, saying they don't come down this far...but I was sure I
saw the white eyes. Anyway that was very exciting.
About an hour later I thought I would make use of the reasonable flat water
and clean any algae and barnacles off the bottom of the boat. We seem to
have acquired a pet fish, about 7inches long and brown, who didn't seem too
pleased with me wiping off his kitchen garden!
Rowing going well today and we are make steady progress west towards our
next 'waypoint' an imaginary point in the sea were we will stop going West
of South West and go more or less straight West toward Antigua.
To see where we are in relation to the other boats please go to: (or .com -can't remember which!)
Jim and Paul
Quick message to Robert and Caroline, thank you very much for the texts, a
big moral boast. Sorry we haven't been able to reply as don't have your