4th of January! .....Hopefully

Atlantic Vets Blog
Paul Milnthorpe / Jim Houlton
Wed 30 Dec 2009 15:36

The test of the sat phone at sea appears to have been successful and yesterdays brief message made it. Took the boat our for a few hours yesterday and went for a swim and have a clean of the bottom of the boat as its been moored up for a few days. Very little growth on the antifoul except for slight coating of slime but rubbed off very easily with a sponge. We have a leaving party ( the third one) at a local club/bar tonight so will hopefully save a few pennies on food by eating there for free tonight. A few little jobs to do today mainly just tightening a few screws and oiling a few oarlocks as the constant squeaking was annoying after a few minutes let alone a few weeks. We finally got our flares today though not in a very appropriate container as it contained about a dozen holes in the lid, but at least we now have a full complement. Were also weighed today to monitor how much weight we lose over the crossing, Paul current weight 96kg, Jim 76kg. Took luke ( Team JCT600 – lighter than us by 1kg) out with us yesterday so he took a few photos of us on the water yesterday so will try and get a few on here when we get them. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and will update the blog tomorrow after the mornings weather meeting.