ships flares and fish

Hello, tried
to send this blog yesterday but it can back as undelivered so hopefully this
time it will work… Weather still headed in the right direction for the
next few days but that may be changing on the weekend. Last night when Paul was rowing we were passed by a
container ship about a mile away but they sent up a white flare (the colour
used to warn of collisions) as they were going past. We didn’t think it
was any thing to do with us but thought that we should turn the radio on
anyway. Didn’t hear any thing so not sure what it was all about but quite
exciting. This afternoon I was looking out the hatch out the
back of the cabin just to check on the rudder and I could see the small brown
fish that was under the boat when we cleaned it on Sunday following the boat
along as we were moving. He looked quite happy tucked up next to the rudder and
keeping pace very well! Still don’t know what species of fish it is. Fish
ID was never one of my strong points... Jim and Paul |