20:18.46N 32:52.49W

Had another film night last night in our cinema (ipod stuck
to the ceiling) and watched Casino Royal, James Bond thing. Seem to have
tracked considerably futher south over night with a westerly component that
seems to be decreasing. But we have to get reasonably south at some point to
hopefully find the trade winds so its nice that we could be seen to be making
some progress! Even if it isnt exactly the 45miles a day we were doing! Sea
state alot calmer today and as we are both getting a bit fed up of the cabin we
have both been on deck listening to music and some learn french podcasts. Get
the occasional splash but nothing too bad. Have erected a low sheet near cabin
door to stop most of the spray when you are sitting in the footwell. Paul
decided he would trial the emergency fishing kit that was in our grab bag which
didnt look like it was up to much. Within 30 minutes we had an 18 inch monster
fish on board which we threw back again after a brief picture! So that bit of
equipment works fine! Will be having another film night tonight before
squashing into that cabin again for another stuffy and uncomfortable night.
Weather is meant to be changing on Monday, heres to hoping that its earlier
than that. Certainly if it got light enough for us to row against I think we
would get to the oars again, you wouldnt think there was much worse than to row
for 12 hours a day, but doing nothing is worse! Not sure if the last photos we
attached worked so am attaching one of Paul cleaning boat, if anyone is
emailing anyway could they just confirm the photo made it to the blog? Thanks,
hope everyone is ok. |