day 5 update
Thrift Energy Atlantic Challenge
Sean McGuigan
Thu 24 Dec 2015 16:25
Hi all,
Thanks so much for the updates. it’s a real boost to our spirits to
hear how everything is going. we’ve just passed the 220 Knots mark. That’s the
distance we have rowed as opposed the progress towards the finish as we
have had to tack about a bit to follow the wind and we were all over on day one
after our steering failure.
Andy and I both agree that this has been one of the hardest things we’ve
ever done and we’re still in the kiddy pool really. Only 5 days in. lots of cuts
and bruises and missing skin. The biggest issue for both of us is ass pain.
sitting rowing for 12 hours a day is not a natural thing for an ass to take and
it’s showing. Whenever we’re on down time it’s talc and lying in the cabin face
Andy has named the poo bucket. Not that we’re bored or anything. the
scenery is staggering. beyond staggering. Last night at 4am I was 100’s of miles
from land. Bright stars all around me and a huuuuuge full moon on my right
lighting the waves for me to see. I was dumbfounded when I got out of the cabin
to row.
It’s nice to know people are following. makes us feel a little less alone.
Please keep texting. every one is a boost.
Merry Xmas o you all. We’ll be having dried rations for xmas lunch ha
Sean |