Porto Malfatano

Richard & Helen Morris
Thu 6 Sep 2007 11:19

In spite of our very late night or early morning depending on your point of view we managed to get up and off by 10.30.


 Bye Carloforte!




 We had a lovely sail down along the coast arriving in Porto Malfatano just before 6pm. The coast was quite dramatic with steep hills but also very green with lots of trees which according to the pilot book were different types of oak. When we arrived in the anchorage we were quite surprised to find that it was much bigger than we had expected but as usual rather windy! Initially we were the only boat there but a little later to our surprise a Turkish boat arrived – most unusual.  The last boat to arrive just as the light was going was British registered but apart from waving to him in the morning we didn’t communicate.


  Time to go


Distance run  31.38nM    Cumulative total 2346.88nM