
We finally left Rota on the 31st July having been unable to leave there until we had a forecast for a suitable wind to go round Cape Trafalgar. The forecast was for a gentle downwind sail… however they got the gently bit right, however it was on the nose! Cape Trafalgar has a lot of shallow water around it and consequently can get rather rough. Fortunately for us at least the wind was not strong as it still managed to produce quite a lot of lumpy water.
On our way down we could see masses of wind turbines – it looked like something from a science fiction film, the invasion of something or other. We arrived in Barbate marina at 10 past 7 in the evening and met our French neighbours shortly after followed by an English couple and their dog on the next boat after that. Barbate was not the most salubrious of places but they did have some reasonable showers and a good washing machine – very vital!
Distance run 43.25nM Cumulative total 1487.32nM
Barbate was our next and last port of call before Gibraltar. There is not a lot to be said about it apart from |