
Richard & Helen Morris
Wed 25 Jul 2007 17:30

Having left Mazagon at 10:10 in the morning and expecting to sail down to Rota we had to motor all the way! Rota is just across the bay from Cadiz and as well as being a tourist town it also has an American naval base – fortunately fairly far away.  The town itself is rather nice with narrow cobbled streets and an excellent supermarket!! It was really pretty warm whilst we were there and on our first day we spent part of it on the beach. It was chocablock with Spanish families, though fortunately not quite as busy at our end. 


 Part of the castle in Rota now used as the townhall



 Painting on the outside wall of the church



We met up again with an American couple from San Francisco whom we had first spoken with in Ayamonte and Richard met an Irish couple who were heading back to Ireland following a few years away.


We decided that we would take the ferry across to Cadiz as it left from the marina.


 Can we get our boat to go this fast dear?


Cadiz is a beautiful city, or at least the bits that we saw were.


 Just outside the docks – can Portishead compete?




 Traditional wedding party outside the townhall


 Breathe in…


 I think we were lost by now


 A lot quieter than St Marks in Venice


 All this running water…


Distance run 37.21nM   Cumulative total 1444.07nM