47:20.14N 07:52.4W - Blog Update
Yellowdrama IV
Skipper/Crew: Blake and Clarissa Richter
Fri 9 Oct 2009 17:11
well Mark and I (Andrew) were on deck minding our own business trying to
dodge a ship; a ship i must say, that should have passed down our port side,
but gave no way whatsoever, so we had to alter course and give way to them
.... obviously Greek .... anyway i di-gress .... well there we were when
.... all of a sudden we were dive bombed by the French Air Force with a 250
feet low level slow speed fly by ..... it almost blew the froth off of my
cappucino .... or at least it would have done had it not been instant
nescafe with a splash of long life ... what's that all about ??.... i didn't
even know that the French had an Air Force ... and if they do i don't hear
about them offering to help out, once in a while, on global issues ....
enough of that .....
Anyway the key point here is that they know we are coming; the game's up; so
we have decided not to invade (again) but to maintain course for Falmouth.
We are about 220 nautical miles from blighty with a fair wind behind us so
are ticking along at a comfortable 8 to 9 knots. The deep sea Atlantic Ocean
officially finishes in about 60 miles and we head onto the "shelf" so it may
get a little choppy.
Ships are passing pretty frequently now, almost so we are getting used to
it. In deepest darkest Atlantic i.e. 3,000 miles ... that way (pointing
left) ... it was a real talking point and made our day; how you just take
some things for granted .... i don't know.
Update soon
Y4 Crew and Crewettes
PS - Azorean Cheese .....Hmmm
A small addition: There once was a girl from Blighty, who sailed the Pond
in her nightie. She got rather wet, but she still managed to get - from
Boston to the Isle of Wighty.
There were 6 crew on a yacht, who sailed from where it was hot. They
encountered big seas, and plenty of breeze, to arrive where hot it was not!
Both by Sasha!
(...bloody awful, Sasha - detention after class..)