45:38.8N 09:40.1W - Blog Update

Yellowdrama IV
Skipper/Crew: Blake and Clarissa Richter
Thu 8 Oct 2009 17:34
look at the charts i can observe to the east such delectable treats as
Bordeaux, Pauillac, Bergerac and Brest ... and ahead ... Sharps Cornish and
fish and chips ..... yes we are back on course but with the help of some
Our live aboard holiday has had an interesting couple of days ... people say
to me "will you be returning to the North Atlantic next year for your family
vacation?" My reply is "yes" but "maybe not in off season" ... although
..."you do get the place to yourself" ... and ..... "never really have to
queue for the facililies that are on offer" ..... i would definitely take
the full board package as eating out can be limited ............ but in view
unnecessary as Clarissa has produced gourmet after gourmet for evening meals
..... after 3200 miles Steve still doesn't find my daily offer of a full
English breakfast on our first watch funny ..... it's just a Cox's apple
...... (the sea can distort humour) .....
We are heading for some helpful SW'ly wind prob 5 am tomorrow morning to
carry us gently home up the beautful English Channel; it brings a tear to my
eye. Spirits are high on board and even the last few days have only dampened
the floor around the forward head and maybe the odd Musto smock ... to quote
Apsley Cherry Gerrard (Antarctic explorer)... "we held our tempers; even
with God" ....
Dusk is coming and i must don oilies for another stint; le chef du jour is
creating chicken with azorean cheese lasagne ... what could be better!
Sleep well
The crew of YFour (Yellowdrama IV) ..... not what the hell for?