Pix Aug 5 Villa Roza, Brac
Aug 4, 1300hrs:
Depart Split. Intended to fuel up, however que at fuel jetty was prohibitive. In the morning we walked to the old town for breakfast and bought supplies on the way back. Marine electronics tech, Mario, who I had organised, came around at 10am. Determined data USB cables were at fault on the Furuno GPS system. Requested a quote to upgrade the connections
system to replace the USB cables which had been problematic for some time. Aug 4, 1550hrs: Berthed stern to at ACI marina Milna, Brac. Gave boat a hose down. Organised hire car for 5th. Aug 5:
Picked up hire car in Milna, then we transferred luggage etc. by dinghy from Westralia. Drove to Lozisca and checked location of Villa Roza, then onto Supetar to check location of ferry terminal. Then returned to Villa Roza at 1430hrs to meet owner, Ivana,
who showed us over the Villa - very nice. Then returned to Supetar and picked up Catherine, Jack and Lucy Grace from ferry terminal at Supetar. Returned to Villa Rosa where we settled in. We all had a dip in the pool with Lucy adapting very well to the water.
Grilled meat over charcoal grill by pool in perfect evening, with a couple of beers, G&T and local Rose. Milna marina Catherine, Lucy and Jack in pool at Villa Roza Jude with Lucy in pool Beautiful location at Villa Roza, Lozisca, Brac Char grilled steak, potatoes and corn |