Palermo 04-Jun-19 1600hrs 40:03.205N 19:48.188E
04-Jun-19 0900hrs Depart Orikum. Very calm conditions. Dead calm anchorage overnight. 04-Jun-19 1600hrs Anchored in Palermo, south end of bay. Very tight so, with the help of the local restaurant staff, tied of stern and bow to shore. Mainly motored all the way with minor wind assist. Lots of development on the substantial beach fronts south
the national park. Very nice anchorage adjoining local restaurant where we had dinner. All local produce from the olive trees, wine from own grapes, goat's cheese, fish, local cabbage and local tomatoes. Another yacht came in during the evening and almost
fouled our stern to shore line. Fortunately avoided that at the last minute. We left restaurant in the dinghy and assisted the crew to tie off a stern line to the shore. A German group of four plus a Croatian lady on board. Beach developments along coast heading south from Orikum to Palermo Anchored and tied off to shore, forward and stern Restaurant at Palermo View form restaurant with fish farm in background |