25 July Nydri
Very calm anchorage in bay off Ag. Apostoloi, near Nydri. Matt and I planned to head into Nydri, however when we went topside the dinghy was gone! In error, the previous evening after returning to Westralia, Matt had attached the wrong
line which was loose in the dinghy, instead of the dinghy painter. Needless to say the stress levels maxed out. After reviewing the immediate anchorage area with the binoculars and no luck sighting the dinghy we weighed the anchor and started motoring around
the area searching for the dinghy. Around 30 minutes later we jagged it, the dinghy had drifted over to the coastal restaurant strip at Nydri, close to the ferry terminal. It literally had parked itself nose too with the motor skeg in the loose pebble beach.
We dropped the anchor and I swam ashore to retrieve the dinghy. All good but in my state of stress I left my hearing aids in! When I returned I sprayed the hearing aids with WD40 then with contact cleaner and left them to dry out. Amazingly they are currently
working fine! We then moved off to a location clear of the ferry traffic and went in for breakfast where I made I deliberate effort to bring the stress levels down. Now back on board, we will head off to Zakythos. Breakfast at Nydri The lost dinghy found. Major panic attack when we found it was missing this morning!! |