Water Music - Azores to Spain

Mon 2 Sep 2013 18:31
Position 39:01.3N 28:18.9W
United with the new crew, Stephen & Johnny Foot, Alistair Watson and
Andy Marriott Water Music left Horta this morning at 1130 local time, 1230 BST
en route to Portosin in Galicia.
We are now carrying about 700Nm of fuel – for a journey that we expect to
be just under 1000 miles. After some light airs sailing we are now back to
motoring and heading NE. We are at the moment due West of Graciosa – the
most Northern of the Azores. According to the weather forecasts we should
expect light airs through tomorrow before it starts to fill in from the
North. By the end of the week we are predicted to be in about 30 knots of
wind – but hopefully by then will have made sufficient Northing to be able to
bear away S of Cape Finisterre. However for the moment, lots of
opportunity to charge the batteries.
Lots of dolphins around us – but seem to be keeping their distance and, so
far, no whales in sight – which is probably a good thing.
No fish yet, but maybe something as the sun goes
down..... |