Glorious Sunshine Force 4

Sat 24 Nov 2012 14:39
Latest position 29.56N 14.06W
Last night was really Grace’s kind of weather – absolutely no wind at all
and the Atlantic Ocean almost glassy with just a gentle rolling swell. The
‘Three Men on a Boat’ were bored to sobs and there was a bit of panicking about
whether or not we would have enough fuel to make it to Las Palmas. We
motored all through the night to maintain a speed of five knots as we hope to
make it to Gran Canaria in time to watch the start of the ARC which we think is
at noon tomorrow (Sun). We did two hour watches on our own which meant
that we all had plenty of sleep, and on Graham’s watch at 7am we had 12k from
the SE turned the engine off and were happily making 7k, by 9.30 we had 15knots
with a flat sea – Stephen has written in the log ‘this is what we came
for’! The boys were made happier still by scrambled eggs and bacon for
breakfast and catching a second small tuna!
Unfortunately at this point we discovered that the locking nut had dropped
out of the gooseneck on the boom (must have been all that slapping around
downwind the day before). We couldn’t find a replacement so have managed
to push it back in and taped it up dropping the boom in the process. We
are now comfortably doing 7/8 knots in 15 knots of breeze with just the
genoa. Looking forward to having showers in Las Palmas although reading
John Foot’s log of their Atlantic crossing in 1975 he writes ‘It is without
question the dirtiest, oiliest harbour which any of us had ever visited’!
Let’s hope it has improved since
then! |