Day 2
Wed 15 May 2013 20:47
Position: 20:32.24N; 60:16.99W
Here we are after our first full day at sea on the main voyage. The
new engine is behaving well and charging our house power efficiently with its
big new alternator – Stephen is happy after 6 months wrestling with draw,
batteries etc.. The forward and centre hatches have stopped leaking after
some judicious alteration which is making the going more comfortable
still. We are still in the trades and fairly close on a NNW heading.
The wind has settled slightly having touched 22 knots apparent for a spell, so
at 15 to 18 knots we are maintaining the same speed and can wash up in the sink
instead of a bucket on deck. 2 slabs in the main and 7 knots over the
ground and we covered around 178nm in the first 24 hours including our way out
and around Antigua. It’s still predictably hot although the temperature
seems to have dropped a couple of degrees which suits us all for now, especially
below decks. Lots of stories being told all around in between attempts at
sleep. It looks like we will have another relatively clear and starry
night in the tropics.
David, Simon & Stephen