Wed 4th Feb

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Wed 4 Feb 2015 19:46
This morning Harry Isabelle and I went back to the Wildlife Park for a few more hours of volunteering! We began with cleaning out the rabbits and guinea-pigs and feeding them, then it was onto the parrots and finished with the iguanas & marmosets who share a cage. It is the sort of place that you could easily end up volunteering in for months and before you know it, you're been there six months. Every day needs a lot of man-hours and from what we saw there are five members of staff who dove-tail in around the 7 day week. It seems a very relaxed place ~ the main stress today was chasing off the bold yellow-legged gulls (residents of the Rock) who were swooping down and stealing the otter's fish!

Bol spent some time splicing a new rope onto the wire main halyard which he has been muttering about doing for ages.

Then there was an epic shopping spree topping up with things we now know we cannot get in Spain or Portugal (coffee mate, porridge). It was back to the charity shop to buy a one-wheeled suitcase for £1 to enable us to bring it back to the boat ~ we used the sack trolley to solve the wheel problem and it was a very pleasing door-to-door solution, leaving a rather bemused shop keeper in our wake.

Tea on board with Lewis and Theresa and very pleased at the prospect of cruising in company to Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in Morocco, next week.

We still have two touristy things left here, the Gibraltar Museum and then a day visiting caves and tunnels. All pretty tired after our expedition up to the top of the Rock last night!

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