Sunday 1st Feb

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sun 1 Feb 2015 22:01
Harry, Isabelle and I went to the Botanical Gardens and found a lovely 'Wildlife Park' housing macaws, parrots, monkeys, turtles, tortoises, terrapins (finally), wild boars, peacocks, Australian dragons and Egyptian fruit bats. Many of the creatures have been confiscated at Customs, en route from African jungles to the European markets. Much to the children's delight they were allowed into the rabbit's enclosure, Isabelle is determined to own a rabbit once we are back on the Isle of Wight. We asked if we can return as 'volunteers' and help and amazingly the chap said yes, all we need to do is sign a form and we can come. We will try on Tuesday.
On our way we found the Trafalgar Cemetery unlocked so popped in and had a wander around the incredibly peaceful spot. Headstones date back to battles off Cadiz, Trafalgar, Algeceiras and Malaga. Year 3 have recently been learning Roman numerals, so we had a go ourselves desciphering some of the many dates we found.
Back to TC and onto our Danish neighbours for happy hour. Harry was so pleased to be invited to look through their fishing gear and ended up being given a lure. We arrived with a bowl of popcorn and were soon trying a Danish recipe of "Pineapple with Tabasco" and later "Moules Marinier cooked with Brie". Lovely to look around their boat and sit in the cockpit and hear stories.
Doom and Gloom from listening to Gibraltar Radio where we picked up Five Live and the Australian Open final.