
Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sun 15 Feb 2015 21:00
Hercules Marina, Ceuta
We believe the Pilot Book when it says "Gales blow for 300 days of the year". It has continued to howl day and night from the west, there will be a small rest on Tuesday before an easterly levanter arrives until Thursday. It has been a very wild day!
However, after the rain this morning we had a pleasant walk ashore and looked at beautifully restored fortifications, statues and buildings, the cathedral and church, plus the town beach with its curious grey sand.
There is an impressive statue of Hercules at the entrance to the port and another here in town which mirror the Pillars of Hercules on the southern tip of Gibraltar we visited last week. The Guide Book says "In his fight with Antaeus, he struck his mace and made what is now the Straits of Gibraltar, forcing apart the mountain range joining Africa with Europe." There is much made of Hercules both here and in Gibraltar.
Some photos below of our walkabout with more exploring planned for tomorrow.