Arosa Friday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Fri 26 Sep 2014 21:10

Cabo Cruz, Ria de Arosa

Major milestone today; Bol got the watermaker working, photo attached of him sampling the first glass...with a splash of malt (no the children weren't given any).

We have just finished the last of our Sainsbury's Salamis, we still have 2 x 1kg lumps of cheddar in the bilge (we began with 10kg!)

Thanks to Harry's diary where he has recorded the daily mileage, we have travelled 971 nautical miles since leaving Yarmouth Harbour, where will our 1,000th mile be?

Harry has designed a new prawn trap and began sewing it together this afternoon.

We headed to 'Minchin Island' for the afternoon, it has snorkelling, swimming, exploring, rock hopping, sunbathing and dolphin spotting ~ we have finally managed to swim in the vicinity of dolphins, wonderful. Isabelle will be 100% happy when she has actually swum with them... a big wish.

After nearly ten years of parenting, Bol and I thought "we're sorted" this evening. We relaxed in the hammocks whilst the children went off in the dinghy, Isabelle rowing and Harry fishing. They then disappeared back to 'Minchin Island', reappearing 2hours later when they got hungry!

Bol wrote last night's blog as I was too shattered to think; I had set myself rather a big challenge to swim to the beach and back but the distance was rather more than I'd reckoned so turned back before I reached the shore. Bol and the children went fishing and Isabelle's leaving comment to me was "that's quite far Mummy", she was spot on!  Today, they kindly rowed (and fished) beside me as safety boat.

Well done to observant Matthew Beasley, you are right, we don't have many clothes and yes Harry is often photographed in his yellow fleece!

Happy Birthday to dear Grand Uncle Don for 27th September.

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