St Mawes to Mylor and back via Falmouth

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Thu 31 Jul 2014 21:14
Thank you for logging on to Day 9. Today was busy as predicted because we needed to be across the river at Mylor Marina by 8am. The children were still asleep as we upped anchor and the only other activity on the river was that of a few early fishermen. The marina chaps were impressive with their swift efficient work and Thursday's Child was soon in slings having her hull pressure washed down, Bol nipped in to grease the folding prop before she was lowered back into the water. Fingers crossed the 'copperbot' anti-fouling on the hull works from now on and we don't get any more weed growing, it would be good if today is the last time we need to do such a job on this trip.
A few errands needed ashore in Falmouth gave a good excuse to come onto the Town Quay and have a wander up the High Street. We picked up mail from the harbour office kindly forwarded by Jenny, bought fresh fruit and veg, had a visit from Helen at Aries who brought spare parts for the wind vane, we topped up with water, showered the crew, bought more cooking gas, filled up with water, checked the diesel and finally returned to our pleasant anchorage in St Mawes, feeling pretty ready to leave.
Tonight turned out to be St Mawes Sailing Club's weekly racing (35+ boats) and we soon discovered we had anchored right in the middle of their race course, probably annoying for them but spectacular for us! There were many classics amongst them with colourful jackyard tops'ls which appeared almost top heavy with sails for relatively small hulls, they were however expertly handled in the gusty evening breeze and provided excellent entertainment for us til suppertime.
We have a few concerns to overcome about the coming longer legs and that is how to get both our water and electricity consumption down, no surprises there! However, these past ten days of living on the boat have been an excellent shake down. The children are definitely settling in, as are we, and so as we turn our heads south-wards we are very much looking forward to the next step.