Oeiras Marina

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Wed 29 Oct 2014 23:45

Oeiras Marina

The complimentary fresh bread arrived in the cockpit as promised for breakfast, it was a fine sound to wake to, now we're wondering whether they will do the same tomorrow!

Bol went up the mast today to mend the deck lights, he also polished TC's topsides, and scrubbed as much of the underwater as he could reach from the dinghy. He felt better after that.

The children were desperate to go on these go-carts for hire in the marina, they charged round and round the block for half an hour, just the ticket for running off energy.

Photo here of Martha Primrose under nearly-full canvas, absolutely beautiful. We spotted her in the distance today sailing south to Sines/Lagos, a fine and unusual sight amongst the Beneteau's and Sun Odysseys.

When we arrived yesterday we were given two complimentary drinks vouchers for one of the bars overlooking the marina. We headed there this evening and were treated to four drinks and two starters all 'on the house'. Oeiras Marina may be small and stuck between Lisbon with its four marinas and 'trendy Cascais' with its very smart marina, but they are extremely friendly here and clearly trying to make visitors feel welcome.

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