Day 19 Position 14:38.10N 54:52.19W
Wed 10 Dec 2008 13:38
Winds were lighter today and our run was 179 Miles.
We are now all looking forward to getting in. We estimate about
another 48 hours or so. We think we shall finish at about noon on Friday. (local
Given that we are a small crew and that we have come together rather
randomly - the common factor being our interest in Sailing and our ambitions to
Sail across the Atlantic, we are all very pleased at the way we have gelled and
worked together as a team. So far, (touch wood) there have been no upsets and
every crew member has performed their tasks efficiently.
The games have been a marathon pastime ( I think we are now
"overdosed" with Yahtzee and Backgammon.) I think it likely - subject to final
playoffs, that we shall declare the Yahtzee winner to be Jen and the Backgammon
winner is Simon. Calum wins the fishing competition with some beautiful and
tasty catches.
The most scarey moment has to be a couple of evenings ago when Jen was
horrified by a group of flying fish that "flew" into the cockpit. It was pitch
black - so we couldn`t see a thing - but we could hear them, and smell them -
they make a horrible slapping noise as they flap about trying to get out.
Catching them is a real challenge - and they flick fins and scales into your
face, they smell something rotten! ( ...Worse than spiders, snakes or
Frogs? - we think so ! )
The "Inventive cooking" award goes to Katherine, who last night
rustled up a "Tuna Bake" - this consists of a tin of Tuna, a Packet of
crisps and a can of Chicken soup - all stired up and then baked and served with
peas. - sounds like a Blue Peter recipe ?.. Well we all laughed out loud but we
all ate it! Well done Katherine. Apparently this is her regular signature
dish - so if she invites you out to dinner in the future - watch out!
We are now enjoying our last few days at sea. We are again "poled" out and
heading directly west at 6.5 knots |