Day 4 Position 23:09.23N 19:57.16W

Wed 26 Nov 2008 12:19
Cruising Shute was up most of the afternoon as we
headed south. Followed by a very pleasant night sail "poled out" ghosting along
in gentle trade winds and clear starlight sky ; made it an absolutely beautiful
It is Katherines Birthday today - Happy Birthday!
We celebrated with fresh fruit cocktail at 10 am - and the boat was decorated
with Baloons & Banners.
Calum caught a fish at 8.30am - a Red Sea
Bream - which is now in the oven - it should
make a tasty meal for all five of us - (let you know in the next blog).
Making steady progress and it is now warming up (24
degrees) and trade wind cummulus cloud.