SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Thu 23 Apr 2015 02:15
On Easter Monday we sailed the short distance to Admiralty Bay in Bequia where we'd had a mooring reserved for us. The Bequia Easter Regatta was in full swing and the bay was crammed full. We experienced some pretty strong winds during our couple of days there so we were pleased not to have to be concerned about our anchor dragging. The contestants for Miss St Vincent and the Grenadines were on parade during the afternoon which provided some light entertainment for the boys. Each contestant had a more outrageous pair of shoes that the last apart from the current Queen who arrived in flip-flops - sensible girl. We had a cocktail at the Frangipani where we have spent many a happy hour in the past and enjoyed some fine local meals, again with our Norwegian friends on Saphir.
All the times we have called in the Bequia over the years, we have always been tempted to buy one of the models of the traditional whaling boats that they build in Bequia. This time we decided it was now or never so we have a wonderful replica along with the book that explains the whole history of the families involved.