On our way to Lanzarote

SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Mon 15 Jul 2013 09:54
36:11.92N 10:38.08W
We left Cascais yesterday morning at about 10 am. The usual fight for the
fuel dock ensued with all nationalities trying to get there first, The trouble
was that to stake your claim you had to be on the dock somewhere,not necessarily
in fuel hose range, but this meant that when the boat that was filling up
finished and left the dock, a space was created for the next. The speed that you
could untie and move decided your position. Quite fun and some Irishman copped
all sorts of abuse when he assumed that it was his go four boats early!
We are having a frustrating sail with 10-15Kn of wind and having had a
sailable breeze for last night, the wind has died and the motor is on. This
morning at dawn we had a delivery of jumping squid on the deck – in need of a
little more than just moisturizer!